Yesterday in Kansas City, MO, voters passed two ballot measures that will continue to invest city resources in public health, environmental protection, and infrastructure – a revenue bond issue for the city’s sewer utility and a renewal of the city’s health levy, which provides funding for public hospitals, nonprofit health centers, and EMT services across Kansas City. Convergence was gratified to serve as a strategic consultant and direct mail vendor for the effort to pass Questions 1 and 2, working alongside community stakeholders and the office of Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas.
Maine Democrats Win Another Critical Special Election in HD 27
Jim Boyle, a small business owner and environmental scientist, won the special election in Maine last night to become the representative of House District 27, helping Maine Democrats maintain their majority in the State House.
Working on behalf of the Maine Democratic Party’s independent expenditure, Convergence created a direct mail and digital advertising campaign that focused on Jim’s readiness to take on this new role and raised the urgency for voting in this special election. Critically, our campaign focused on voter education and encouraged voters to use absentee and in-person absentee voting. These new voting methods were decisive in a competitive, three-way race. Congratulations Rep. Boyle on your win!
Convergence Helps Maine Democrats Flip a Critical Legislative Seat
Clients Also Victorious in SC, VA
Convergence clients had a strong Election Day on Tuesday. In Maine, Raegan LaRochelle won by a significant margin in the special election for House District 86 in Augusta. A top-tier race highlighted by the DLCC, HD 86 hadn’t been held by a Democrat in nearly a decade. Convergence created a multi-media campaign that combined direct mail and digital advertising highlighting LaRochelle’s background as the hometown small business owner and community leader ready to represent her community in the State House.
In South Carolina, Mayor Will Haynie was re-elected in the fast-growing town of Mount Pleasant. Mayor Haynie’s direct mail campaign highlighted the accomplishments of his first term, specifically targeted to different areas of the town of 95,000 residents.

Convergence also congratulates longtime client, Virginia Del. David Bulova. Del. Bulova is a fighter for education and played a major role in keeping Virginians safe during COVID-19 – work we highlighted in a direct mail program that helped drive his campaign to a convincing victory.
Congratulations to these candidates and to newly elected and re-elected Democrats and progressives across the country!
Irene Shin Defeats Incumbent For Democratic Nomination for Virginia’s 86th House District
Irene Shin, a proud progressive with a background in defending voting rights, became the Democratic nominee for Virginia’s 86th House of Delegates district last week, defeating an incumbent in a competitive race.
Convergence created direct mail and digital advertising for an independent expenditure in this race, highlighting Shin’s record and vision and addressing the problematic voting record and other controversial issues associated with the incumbent. We’re proud of the role we played in this election, and congratulate Irene Shin on becoming the Democratic nominee for this district in November.
Chattanooga’s Next Mayor, Tim Kelly
On Tuesday, a diverse group of Chattanooga voters came out strong for Tim Kelly during the city’s mayoral runoff election. Tim Kelly defeated Kim White by a commanding 60-40 margin. Kelly and White are newcomers to the local Chattanooga political world as the current Mayor Andy Berke is termed out. The general election was tough for all the candidates, White securing enough votes to force a runoff, the first Mayoral runoff in Chattanooga since 2005.
Convergence was proud to provide direct mail services for the Kelly campaign during the runoff. We had the privilege of working with the wonderful Kelly campaign team, and together we successfully communicated both policy and Kelly’s “One Chattanooga” unity message to Chattanoogans far and wide.
Kelly’s success in Tuesday’s election adds to our long history of successful Mayoral elections, including Mayor Kate Gallego – Phoenix, AZ, Mayor Gavin Buckley – Annapolis, MD, Mayor Quinton Lucas – Kansas City, MO, and Mayor John Tecklenburg – Charleston, SC.
Dr. Akilah Weber avoids a runoff election, wins a special election for the California Assembly outright
On Tuesday, voters in California’s 79th Assembly District chose Dr. Akilah Weber to serve as their representative in Sacramento, giving her 52% of the vote in a five-candidate field. Convergence was proud to serve as the direct mail consultant for the only significant independent expenditure in the race. Our direct mail communicated Dr. Weber’s experience as a health care professional and physician, and her plans to address COVID-19 recovery directly.
Congratulations to Dr. Weber!
Job Posting: Senior Strategist
Convergence Targeted Communications is seeking a Senior Strategist for full-time employment through the 2022 election cycle, preferably in their Washington, DC office. The Senior Strategist reports to the Vice President.
About the company: Convergence Targeted Communications is a boutique strategic communications consultancy based in Washington, DC, focused on electoral politics. We create and produce targeted communications (including but not limited to direct mail and digital advertising) for political campaigns and forward-thinking causes and coalitions. We’re proud that our client base encompasses a full spectrum of progressive/Democratic thought, and of our corporate and nonprofit/advocacy work.
We’re a small company with big reach – our clients have ranged from candidates for City Council to President, and we’ve worked in over 40 states (so far).
Continue reading “Job Posting: Senior Strategist”Kansas City voters overwhelmingly vote to renew the 1% earnings tax
On Tuesday, Kansas City voters overwhelmingly voted to protect a vital source of funding for city services, voting to renew the city’s one percent earnings tax by a 77-23 margin, a top priority for Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas, another Convergence client.
Convergence was proud to serve as the general consultant on the renewal effort, as well as providing direct mail services. Working with a coalition of community groups, business groups, faith leaders, unions, elected officials, and first responders, we communicated the earnings tax’s value in a difficult financial environment.
We were fortunate to work with a great campaign team, and were gratified by the result!
Lucky Number Seven
This cold Presidents’ Day weekend marks Convergence’s 7th birthday. We made it to second grade! Alas, school is virtual for the time being. But I want to thank you, our political playground pals, for helping us get this far. We can’t wait to trade fruit roll-ups and Doritos again as soon as public health allows.
Here’s hoping seven is a lucky number for all of us this year!

Note from Chris – Silver Linings and Lemonade
Friend, What can be said about 2020 that hasn’t already been declared, muttered, cursed, or screamed by all of us multiple times this year? As a group exercise that doesn’t require Zoom, I invite you to verbalize your favorite/least favorite 2020-ism at this point …

Now that we got that off our chests, we at Convergence would like to express our sincere gratitude to our clients and friends who helped make lemonade out of lemons this year. You know it’s a strange political year when one of the most important actions in the history of our democracy since 1776 — defeating Donald Trump — seemed like a “meh” moment for some. And yes, there is much to “unpack” (another 2020-ism) about why there weren’t more victories this time. I tend to look for silver linings in political clouds, because if you don’t, then what the hell are you doing in this business? So here are a few I found, both personally and professionally, in the mire of this mostly-awful year:
Continue reading “Note from Chris – Silver Linings and Lemonade”