Soon after Mayor Kate Gallego’s victory in March, Convergence got right back to work in Phoenix — this time to stop two, dark money-funded ballot propositions.

Propositions 105 and 106 were two poorly worded ballot questions that aimed to halt Phoenix light rail and force drastic cuts to public services. Convergence implemented a mail plan that clarified what the passage of Props 105 and 106 would mean for voters, and how they would negatively affect their neighborhoods. Convergence utilized innovative data techniques to target voters and deliver mail that was specific to them, highlighting how these propositions would impact their local library, community pool, or light rail station.

Voters subsequently came out on in huge numbers to vote “No” and stop the coordinated attack on their neighborhoods. As of Tuesday, 169,525 ballots were cast — 45,000 more than the last time Phoenix Light Rail was on the ballot — and over 60% voted against Props 105 and 106. And ballots are still being counted!
Convergence is proud to have played a role in defending Phoenix communities and helping to keep America’s fifth-largest city great.