California Experience
Since our founding in 2014, Convergence has served as a key consultant in over two dozen competitive campaigns across California. From Chula Vista to Humboldt, we’ve worked on municipal candidate campaigns and independent expenditures, countywide ballot measures, multicounty issue advocacy, congressional campaigns, and IEs for CA Assembly and Senate. Some current and former California clients include:
- JobsPAC (CA Chamber of Commerce)
- Californians Allied for Patient Protection IE
- Forward California
- CA Association of Realtors
- CA Charter Schools Association
- Californians for Good Schools and Good Jobs
- EdVoice
- Students First CA
- San Franciscans for Public Safety Supporting the Recall of Chesa Boudin
- Voters for a Real Change
- CA Farm Bureau Federation
- Our Bay on the Brink
- San Franciscans for Domestic Violence Reform
- Building and Protecting a Strong California
- San Franciscans for Affordable Housing and Safe Streets
- Silicon Valley JobsPAC
- Residents for a Brighter Chula Vista
- Protect our Right to Hold Politicians Accountable, No on Prop C
- Stop Crime Action San Francisco
- Ventura County Deputy Sheriffs Association
- Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods PAC
- Edwin M. Lee Asian Pacific Democratic Club
- Building a Healthy Future for CA
Our extensive experience in California gives us a keen understanding of the issues facing the state and its diverse constituencies. Additionally, we know how to navigate the political and campaign finance landscape to our clients’ advantage, particularly for independent expenditure and advocacy campaigns.
Below are some examples of California mail we have done for clients in the past. Click any image below to see a larger version.